Legacy Leadership 2023: Anti-Racist Training for Upstanders is Underway

Legacy Leadership 2023 is well underway with the Executives having finished their summer Community of Practice (more on that to come soon!), and the next component of our comprehensive program has also just kicked off: Upstander Training, in partnership with The Lola!

If you’re new to Legacy Leadership, then you should know that it is the only program dedicated to culturally relevant, place-based leadership cultivation for BIPOC women leaders in the social impact sector.

Legacy Leadership offers the Lola members two distinct, unique opportunities to engage in a curated, supportive community where everyone has both the knowledge and the experience to provide tailored, individualized support to one another.

These two groups of women include:

  • Executives, who are BIPOC women leaders/executives who work in the social impact space

  • Upstanders, who are non-Black women who purposely develop the necessary skills to position themselves to increase access to resources and opportunities for BIPOC people

The SageD Collective recently co-authored a comprehensive blog post that delves into the significance of the Upstander training program, providing details about a new partnership with the “Seeing Whiteness for Anti-Racist Action” program and highlighting the transformative impact it will have on both the participants and the broader community.

Head over to The Lola’s blog to read the full exploration of how the Legacy Leadership Upstanders are embracing change and paving the way for a more equitable, anti-racist future!


What is a Community of Practice?


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