What is a Community of Practice?

While 2020 saw a significant increase in talking about racism and anti-racism, the collective conversation seemed to decline as quickly as it began. Although this example is a complex phenomenon when it comes to determining why it happened in that way, the antidote for sustained conversation can be through a shared goal of building beloved community. 

To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to undermine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination. A body of critical theory is now available that explains all the workings of white-supremacist thought and racism. But explanations alone do not bring us to the practice of beloved community.

When we take the theory, the explanations, and apply them concretely to our daily lives, to our experiences, we further and deepen the practice of transformation.
— bell hooks

One of the key services that SageD Consulting contributes to building beloved community is the facilitation of a Community of Practice (CoP). Since this may be a new term for many, we have dedicated this blog to exploring what a CoP is, how it is structured, and why it is so magical when it comes to social transformation. 

What is a Community of Practice?

As complex and as simple as it sounds, a Community of Practice is a group of individuals, united by a common passion or concern, coming together regularly to learn, collaborate, and elevate their skills. That's the magic of a CoP; it's an environment where expertise meets community, where individuals from diverse backgrounds share in the pursuit of growth.

At its core, the concept of a CoP has a rich history rooted in the power of human connection and knowledge sharing. So although the term "community of practice" was coined by social learning theorists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger in the 1990s, the roots of this concept can be traced back to indigenous cultures and ancient apprenticeship models. For centuries, communities have gathered to pass down knowledge, skills, and wisdom from one generation to the next, creating tightly-knit networks of practitioners.

Throughout the years, and especially with the emergence of digital spaces, CoPs have evolved into vibrant ecosystems where individuals with a shared interest or expertise come together to discover, to disrupt, to co-conspire and co-create, and ultimately – to activate positive community-based change.

How does SageD Consulting facilitate a CoP?

A critical value at SageD Consulting is Sankofa, “a principle derived from the Akan people of Ghana that one should remember the past to make positive progress in the future." We firmly believe in honoring elders through Sankofa, as well as embracing those with extensive knowledge, whether formal or informal, as the foundational power of collective wisdom. 

Members within a SageD-led CoP actively contribute their expertise, insights, and personal experiences, creating a rich pool of knowledge for all to benefit from. Through this sharing and transfer of knowledge, we empower one another and fast-track our personal and professional growth.

Collaborative Learning

Engaging in meaningful discussions, group activities, and collaborative projects lies at the heart of our learning journey. By tapping into diverse perspectives and challenging our assumptions, we collectively deepen our understanding of relevant topics. Together, we create an environment that fosters collaboration, curiosity, and continuous learning.

Reflective Practice

Reflection is not just encouraged but celebrated within our CoP. Taking the time to pause, reflect, and integrate new learnings is a vital practice for personal growth and professional evolution. Through introspection, we cultivate self-awareness, refine our skills, and embrace ongoing improvement. 

Skill Development and Mastery:

Regardless of the skill at hand, our CoP structure intentionally creates a supportive environment where members can continuously learn, practice, and excel in their chosen areas. Together, we push boundaries, embrace challenges, and work together to unlock our full potential.

Networking and Relationship Building

Connection is key in our community. By actively engaging with fellow members, sharing experiences, and providing support, we foster a strong sense of belonging and collaboration. Our relationships extend beyond the boundaries of our program, forming lasting connections that enrich both our personal and professional lives. 

Shared Resources

CoPs are treasure troves of resources, with members generously sharing their knowledge, expertise, and assets. In some CoPs, we develop shared resources like toolkits, guidelines, and databases that benefit the entire community.

Explore the Possibilities: Request a SageD Community of Practice

Leveraging the Anti-Racist Farmers Market Toolkit created in partnership with Farmers Market Coalition, our founder, Sagdrina Brown Jalal, facilitates a powerful community of practice focused on promoting racial equity in the food system. Learn more and request a 15-minute call here >

She also facilitates a dedicated Community of Practice through her Legacy Leadership program, which you can learn more about here.


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